The new year is approaching, that means a new opportunity to spark some new engagement through your email marketing strategies. Just like big Hollywood blockbusters often generate huge crowds after a new release, a fresh take on your email content can help ignite reader interest.

Knowing how to consistently keep your newsletter fresh can be challenging, but it can also just be a matter of making one small change that gets you noticed.

You need your readers’ attention, but what will interest them? Consider the problems and concerns clients routinely share with you in your day-to-day interactions. Ask yourself questions, such as:

  • What are my clients or prospects asking me about when we meet?
  • Is there a common challenge that many of my clients are facing lately?
  • How do my services equip clients to overcome these challenges?
  • What are the most necessary things that my clients should know this time of year?

It’s also helpful to look at articles that have a high volume of click activity overall. Past success can inspire future topics.

  • Which articles generated the highest click rates last year?
  • Were there specific topics that seemed to consistently generate more interest than others?
  • Was there a specific newsletter launch that had a higher open rate than others? If so, what type of content dominated that issue?

Keep in mind that open rates can be affected by the day and time that you send an email. Subject lines can also impact open rates. Whenever a subject line has an above average open rate, try and repeat similar themes and syntax in future launches to see if readers are responding better to a certain subject line format.

Another way to increase engagement is by monitoring and listening to reader feedback. Direct feedback through article survey tools or reader replies can help you keep your finger on the pulse of reader interest.

Other tips for boosting reader engagement:

  • Use content that appeals to your target markets
  • Integrate client case studies to show how other clients have tackled common issues
  • Reduce the amount of text in your content by being concise
  • Use interesting images that stay within your branding to help draw attention to your content
  • Create a theme for your newsletter so the bulk of your content addresses various aspects of one general topic
  • Add polls or quizzes that allow readers to interact

After you take the time to track, create and implement content that is appealing to your readers, don’t forget to set alerts on your articles. Make sure you’re informing your team of the leads your efforts are generating using the automated lead alert functions within your digital marketing platform. Also be sure to check your open and click-through reporting following each launch.

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