A remarkable amount of those who market goods and services (89%) find that email is their primary channel for lead generation. Email is core to our society; virtually everyone receives emails to their desktop or mobile devices. It is one of the easiest and most professional means that the modern market place uses to communicate, network and share information about goods and services. Because of this, most individuals check their emails multiple times a day: BusinessInsider reports that:
  • Almost 60% of consumers check their emails more than 3 times a day
  • Almost 40% of consumers check their emails 1 to 3 times a day
  • Only 1.6% of consumers never check their email during the day
In addition, Inc.com reports that over 50% of consumers are actively checking email on their mobile device. This means that you have instant access to at least half of your potential clients. Email marketing also remains the most cost-effective and efficient tool for reaching a large group of contacts. Email marketing when compared to the two other primary means of communication for lead generation (direct mailers and phone calls) has the lowest overhead costs. Direct mailers typically require a high cost for printing and phone calls require either an in-house salaried positions or pricey outsourced contracts for a company. The digital nature of email marketing allows the tracking of individual’s preferences to be performed in real-time and at an inexpensive cost. Email marketing is 20x more cost-effective than traditional media. The value behind email marketing is that it is sustainable, adjustable and helps you justify the cost necessary to support it. Printing and shipping costs make direct mailing campaigns significantly more expensive and hiring inside or outside callers to find leads for you can:
  • Devalue your unique message
  • Take much longer to reach each individual
  • Cost the agency capital on unsustainable processes
Another benefit of email is it’s relatively higher ROI than print and call marketing:
  • For every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on an email marketing investment.
  • In comparison, direct mail campaigns have an average return of .5% – 2% return on each dollar spent.
  • Additionally email marketing has a 2x higher ROI than cold calling, networking or trade shows.
Just as an individual’s taste changes, so does an individual’s preference in the type of information they wish to learn and the manner in which they wish to have it communicated to them. Email marketing allows businesses to stay relevant, adjust to market preferences and correct design mistakes. Unlike direct mailers and phone calls, email marketing allows users to compare metrics of what has worked in the past and what hasn’t worked in order to continuously develop the right message for each email launch. Editing emails doesn’t cost anything in comparison to editing direct mailer with reprints. Change the design, concept or content of an email with a few clicks of a button. Email is an easy to access line of communication that can communicate a lot about each recipient to the sender. A recipient’s actions or lack-of-actions with an email can indicate their interest level of the recipient. This helps the sender to know how they can change the messaging, design or topics to encourage their audience to engage with each email launch. Simply put, actively thinking about the evolving preferences of your audience and how to adjust your email marketing can keep your value relevant and accessible through a cost-efficient medium.