IndustryNewsletters Partners With Apex HCM To Promote Ancillary Services And Help You Get New Clients
1. Become an IndustryNewsletters client through this partnership with Apex HCM.
2. Choose as many of Apex's preferred ancillary services to showcase in your marketing newsletter.
3. Let IndustryNewsletters collaborate with you to create a professional newsletter, branded to your company that also consistently features your services and ancillary offerings.
1.Trigger Articles Provided By Apex Preferred Partners
3. Library Of Articles To Choose From
4. Built-in Banners & Images
5. Your Contact Info And Links To Your Social Media
6. We Help With Design And Setup
7. Built-In Links
8. Target Market Articles
9. Local Entertainment & Events Calendar
We Build Your Database
PLUS Hands-on Customer Support
DMZ-score Benchmark Reports
Promote Ancillary Services With Apex’s Preferred Partners
IndustryNewsletters =
Business Growth & Client Nurturing Tools For Payroll Providers
We know that consistent communications will help you nurture clients and generate more warm prospects.
Fill out the form here and a member of our team will contact you to set a meeting that will show you how our simple, consistent digital marketing solutions can help you reach, nurture and convert more prospects.
Who We Are
IndustryNewsletters helps payroll providers reach an unlimited number of clients, prospects and referral sources through the use of user-friendly, powerful digital marketing tools. We understand that you want to educate your clients, stand out from among your competitors, and generate new leads. That’s why we created simple digital marketing tools stocked with compelling content to help you achieve measurable results.
Want to reach a member of our team directly? CLICK HERE to contact us.
Want some marketing tips? Catch our blog!
We Had an Amazing Time in Louisville at the The Payroll Group’s Annual Conference
We had such a great time in Louisville, Kentucky during the TPG Annual Conference on May 10, 2017. Here’s a recap of our highlights from the fun annual payroll networking event.
Is This Your Situation? “My Newsletter Is Not Generating Enough New Business…”
Why do all businesses, no matter what the industry, need newsletters? It’s one of the most effective ways to foster relationships with new and existing clients, makes you look like an industry leader and is a proven method to garner interest in your business. Click through to learn why your newsletters may not be generating any new business.
Best Practices to Turn Leads into Initial Consultations
If you are having difficulty converting your leads into viable meetings and consultations, you may need to brush up on the most efficient ways to get leads to pencil you into their schedules. Your first outreach is a combination of emailing and calling individuals whom you have some sort of connection with. Perhaps you are part of a similar group or organization, and you’re emailing/calling to propose a meeting about how your services could benefit them. Here are some fast tips to succeed at the initial outreach.