Human Resources Consultants

Your human resources consulting firm needs an efficient way to keep your clients up to speed on how changes in laws, rules and regulations will impact their daily business operations. You also need to regularly advise clients on management, financial and administrative issues. You probably want to keep your value-added service offerings in front of your clients and regularly attract new leads as well. IndustryNewsletters is the efficient, cost-effective digital marketing tool that will help you accomplish these goals. Our simple, user-friendly platform comes stocked with compelling content and gives you trackable results. We can help you differentiate your consulting firm, educate clients, reach new prospects and generate warmer leads.

Centralized Database

We can help you lay the foundation for your email newsletter and get started on building a central database for your digital marketing efforts. Your firm may have a wide variety of contacts in your CRM, Outlook databases, LinkedIn and other many other sources. We’ll work with you to pool your many contacts together and bring them into one cohesive, trackable email marketing system.

Compelling Content

We understand that your human resources consulting firm may not have the time to write content for your e-newsletters. Our digital marketing system is stocked with a library of captivating, informative articles, and we write new articles every week on timely issues affecting your readers. Our professionally-written, industry-specific content fills that gap, making it quick and easy for you to regularly distribute HR email newsletters.

Meaningful Business Intelligence

You need to quickly and easily connect with the data your digital marketing efforts produce in a meaningful, efficient and profitable manner. Our actionable business intelligence will help you generate leads, identify clients seeking additional services and build better relationships. We provide the simple reporting tools you need to get more ROI from your e-newsletter through strategic digital impressions and feedback.

What makes us different?

Trigger Articles

Our Trigger Articles and alerts allow you to choose articles for publication in your email newsletter that are specifically written to indicate service interest from your readers. When an article is read with an obvious tie-in to your services, you will receive an email alert. This feature enables you to easily contact warm prospects demonstrating interest and clients seeking additional services.

Content Library

Our Content Library gives you access to hundreds of professionally written articles covering dozens of topics so you can customize your firm’s digital marketing efforts to target niche industries and subsets. We also give you the option of creating and housing your own custom content so you can keep clients, prospects and referral sources informed about special announcements, important events or firm news.

Target Market Articles

We know you need content written specifically to target clients and prospects in specialized subsets and niche industries. That’s why our professional writing staff regularly generates timely, informative content that will hit the mark with your niche industries, such as healthcare, restaurants, municipalities, construction and more.

Connect With Laurie Friedman

Laurie Friedman is the President of our Payroll, PEO, Employee Benefits and Human Resources divisions. Laurie has 13 years’ experience enhancing marketing, communications, branding and business development for professional service firms. In her previous experience at the online marketing company formerly known as BizActions, Laurie created the firm’s infrastructure for serving industries like yours. Laurie places a high value on relationship building and appreciates her long-standing connections in these industries. Laurie holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland. You can call Laurie at (240) 356-1023, connect with her on LinkedIn, or email her by clicking the button below.
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