Engaging Content For Your Employee Benefits Marketing Needs

  We know that you’d rather be serving your clients than writing articles for your employee benefits firm email newsletters and other marketing collateral. However, your clients still need to get information and updates from you on a regular basis, and you need a way to demonstrate your firm’s expertise to entice new prospects. That’s why we provide you with relevant ready-to-go content. We ensure that brand new Standard Content articles launch with every edition of your email newsletter. We also give you a stocked Content Library with additional articles, and we give you the reporting tools you need to track responses to your content.

Standard Content

Our Standard Content is written on a variety of topics that will be of interest to your clients, prospects, and referral sources, such as … and more. Our Standard Articles will launch automatically with each edition of your newsletters, and we give you the option to exclude any standard article at will with one simple click. Check out a sample article in each of the categories below to get an idea of the type of content you could be sharing in your employee email newsletter.

Personal Tax

Subtly keep your service offerings in front of your contacts with informative articles that regularly remind them that your firm is available to help them with all their personal tax issues. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Personal Finance

Help your clients plan for the various financial life stages they are likely to face, such as refinancing, credit repair, college fund planning, retirement planning and other common life events. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Home Financing

Many newsletters readers also enjoy receiving tips on evaluating mortgage types, protecting against Regulation X and Z violations, reducing monthly mortgage payments, and other useful home financing information. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Business Tax

Business expenses, depreciation and employment tax are just a few of the topics covered in our Business Tax category. These articles are designed to keep business owners and up to speed on issues affecting them. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Business Management

Help business owners better understand and navigate succession planning, disaster recovery, selling their business, and other topics with informative articles that cover important business management issues. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Business Finance

Even though your accounting firm may focus on tax issues, we know you’re also an advisor. That’s why our Business Finance articles cover issues like key person life insurance, the Affordable Care Act, SBA loans and other topics. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Human Resources

Keep business owners and managers informed about retirement plans, employee benefits, motivating and managing employees and other important HR topics with useful, informative articles like this. Article-intro-GENERIC_500  

Content Library

Our Content Library is your writer’s block solution. Access our Content Library and choose from the following wide variety of categories to augment your email newsletter communications:
Lead Trigger Articles
  • Personal Taxes
  • Business Taxes
  • Audit & Review
  • Monthly Work
  • Outsourced Accounting and CFO
  • Estate Planning
  • Consulting
  • Investments
  • Valuation
Target Market Articles
  • Not for Profit
  • Estate Planning
  • Physician Offices
  • CIRAs
  • Manufacturing and Wholesaling
  • Technology
  • Excel
  • Quickbooks
  • Financial/Profitabllity
  • Contract Compliance
General Purpose
  • Business Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Personal Insurance
  • Financial Planning and Wealth Management
EmployeeNewsletters Gives You A Sticked Content Library

Contact Us To Find Our If We Can Help You With Your Content Needs


Did you know? We also offer content-only packages. If you have your own email platform, and you’d like to augment your communications with our content, we can help. Click the icon above to contact us and we’ll walk you through our content package options.